Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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appear to begin to be seen.
chop to cut with a sharp tool such as an ax.
elevator a device that carries people or things from one floor to another in a building. An elevator is like a small room or platform that moves up and down.
front the most forward part or side of something.
frown to wrinkle your forehead when you are angry or not happy.
frozen changed into a solid or made hard by freezing.
life the thing that is in humans, animals, and plants that allows them to grow and to produce more creatures like themselves. Things like rocks do not have life.
mistake a thought or action that is not correct.
route a road or way of travel from one place to another.
save to help someone get away from harm or danger.
scissors a tool used for cutting. Scissors have two blades that are joined in the middle.
tape a substance made of plastic, cloth, or paper that has glue on one side. It is cut into long, narrow pieces. Tape is used to stick things together.
think to judge or reason about something.
useful having a practical use or purpose.
wicked evil in actions or ideas.