Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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challenge to invite to enter into a fight or contest of skill; dare.
considerate thoughtful of the feelings and needs of others.
define to explain or state the meaning of.
dew little drops of water that collect at night on grass, plants, and other cool surfaces.
equip to provide with what is needed to complete a task.
framework a structure that supports something built on or around it.
refresh to bring back the energy or spirits of.
royal of or having to do with a king or queen, or any members of their family.
separate not connected or not attached.
socket an opening into which something fits or is put.
solemn serious in appearance, sound, or mood.
theft an act of stealing.
tidy neat and in order.
timber trees that are used as wood to build houses and buildings.
vapor tiny particles of a liquid or solid in a gas.