Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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born a past participle of bear1.
country a large area of land where people live under the same government or have the same culture; nation.
crown a metal object worn on the head by kings and queens. Crowns are often made of gold or silver.
cupboard a piece of furniture with shelves to store food, dishes, or other things.
drunk having had too much alcohol to drink.
island an area of land surrounded by water on all sides.
least smallest in size, amount, or degree.
merry cheerful and happy.
pinch an amount that can be picked up between the thumb and a finger.
pit1 a deep natural or artificial hole in the ground.
salad a mixture of raw vegetables served with dressing.
scarf a piece of cloth worn around the neck, head, or shoulders.
servant a person whose job is to clean another person's house, cook their food, or help them in other ways in their home, often living in the home also.
sing to make music with the voice.
walk to move your body by taking steps.