Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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annals a chronological record of events, usually year by year.
benevolent desiring to do good for others; generous.
egotism excessive self-promotion; boastfulness or conceitedness.
egotist a conceited person; braggart.
facile acting or working in an easy, effortless manner.
felon1 a person who has committed a serious crime, such as murder, rape, or burglary, as opposed to a misdemeanor.
figment something imaginary or invented.
monotony tiresome lack of variation.
plagiarize to wrongfully and deliberately claim as one's own (the ideas, words, or the like) of someone else.
rancorous feeling or showing bitter resentment; hateful.
relegate to send or consign to a condition, place, or position of lesser importance or esteem.
ruddy reddish; rosy.
skepticism distrust or disbelief, or a general tendency to doubt and question.
vitality exuberance; energy; vigor.
volition the act of willing, deciding, or choosing.