Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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basic necessary as a base. Things that are basic need to be learned first or done first.
blush to become red in the face because of shame or embarrassment.
cross an upright line with another line across it.
flow to move in a smooth, steady stream.
laugh to smile and make sounds with your mouth. People usually laugh when something is funny to them, but laughing can express other feelings also.
nonsense words that have no meaning or make no sense.
peck2 to strike, or pick up quickly with the beak.
servant a person whose job is to clean another person's house, cook their food, or help them in other ways in their home, often living in the home also.
sew to make or repair with a needle and thread.
smack to hit noisily with an open hand; slap.
soak to make completely wet; drench.
stool a seat on tall legs and without arms or a back.
victory success in a game or war.
welcome used to express warm greetings to someone who has just arrived.
wire a long thread of metal.