Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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choke to stop or prevent the breathing of by squeezing or blocking the windpipe.
civic of or having to do with citizens or citizenship.
comparison the act of deciding, saying, or showing how two or more things are the same or different.
county one of several sections into which a U.S. state is divided.
crest a tuft of feathers, bone, or fur on an animal's head, or something that looks like this. The comb of a rooster is one kind of crest.
dismiss to send away or allow to go away.
horrid causing a feeling of horror; dreadful; frightening.
lair a wild animal's shelter; den.
modern having to do with the present or current times.
nomination the act of choosing a person to run for office.
organize to set in order; arrange in an orderly way.
radar the use of radio waves to track the location, distance, and speed of faraway objects. Waves are sent out and then picked up again when they bounce back after hitting some object.
rotate to cause to turn around on an axis.
stew to cook by boiling slowly in a closed pot.
tourism the act of traveling, usually for sightseeing or relaxing.