Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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bedizen to dress or decorate in a flashy, garish fashion.
edict an order or decree proclaimed by a ruler or other of high authority.
entourage a group of people who accompany another person as attendants or associates; retinue.
informant one who reports or confides what he or she knows to another; source.
lechery excessive or vulgar interest in sex; prurience.
linear having to do with a line; straight.
lionize to view or treat (someone) as a celebrity or extraordinary person.
meritorious having worth or high quality; deserving of praise or reward.
misinterpret to comprehend incorrectly; misunderstand.
nonchalant not showing excitement or anxiety; coolly confident, unflustered, or unworried;casually indifferent.
prurient characterized by or causing lewdness or lust.
regent one who governs in place of a disabled or underage ruler.
rue1 to regret, repent of, or feel sorry about.
suffice to meet the needs, goals, or the like of; be adequate for.
temerity reckless or foolish boldness; rash disregard of danger.