Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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amid among or surrounded by.
dismal full of gloom; sad.
ecological of or pertaining to the relationships between living things and their environments.
familiarity knowledge or understanding of a particular thing.
haunt to come very often and painfully to the mind or memory of (a person).
insufficient not enough in number, degree, amount, or quality; not sufficient.
luxurious giving great comfort or pleasure.
optimist one who usually or in a specific instance expects a good outcome. (Cf. pessimist.)
retain to hold or keep.
revenue money gained from selling property or investing money.
revival the act or process of renewing or reviving.
squeamish nauseated, or tending to be easily nauseated or disgusted; queasy.
stereotype a standardized and usually oversimplified and inaccurate conception held in common by many people.
unidentified having an unknown or as yet undetermined name or nature; not identified.
unoriginal not new or inventive; derived or copied from something else.