Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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appall to cause to feel shock or horror.
cackle sharp, broken laughter.
constant going on without a pause; persistent.
continual going on without stopping.
contractor a person who signs an agreement to carry out a particular job at a certain price and also to supply necessary things for the job. A contractor often hires, supervises, and pays other people to help or to do the work. A person in charge of building or repairing a house is often a contractor.
diversity the state or condition of being varied or consisting of various kinds.
gossip tales or talk about the personal lives and secrets of others when they are not present.
master to become skilled in or expert at.
poetry short pieces of writing, in general, that use special rhythm, imaginative language, and often rhyme to create beauty or express unique thoughts and feelings.
recite to speak the words of from memory and in front of others.
restore to bring back into use or existence.
revolutionary creating or leading to great change.
scrawny very thin; skinny.
squirt to be shot out in a thin jet; spurt.
steadily in a regular, even, constant way.