Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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adjoin to be next to; border on.
bland without interest, spirit, or excitement; dull; indifferent.
caricature a depiction, in a drawing or verbal description, that deliberately exaggerates or distorts some features of the person or thing represented to produce a comic or grotesque appearance.
cite to use the words of someone else; quote.
commodity something that can be bought and sold.
depravity moral corruption; wickedness.
fop a man who is highly concerned with, and often vain about, his appearance and manners; dandy.
mausoleum a large, elaborate tomb, or the structure that houses such a tomb.
mien one's manner or bearing.
perceptual of, relating to, or involving perception.
pompous showing an exaggerated sense of own's own importance.
simplistic excessively simplified, as to be unrealistic.
succulent full of juice or sap; juicy.
temperance habitual moderation in the use of alcoholic drink, or complete abstinence.
throwback a reappearance of an outmoded procedure, system, or the like.