Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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cacophonous characterized by a discordant, sometimes unpleasant, mixture of sounds.
camaraderie friendship, good humor, and closeness among a group.
crux an essential, basic, crucial, or pivotal point.
discontinuity lack of coherence or logical sequence.
disquiet lack of mental calm or peace; anxiety; uneasiness.
dissolution the annulment or severance of a bond or tie, especially a formal or contractual connection.
fitful occurring at irregular intervals.
liquidate to pay off or settle (a debt or the like).
progenitor an ancestor or forebear.
psychiatrist a medical doctor who treats people with mental and emotional illnesses.
remittance money that is sent to someone or some place, usually in payment.
sear1 to burn or scorch the outside of.
simile a figure of speech in which two different things are compared by using the words "like" or "as." "March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb" is an example of a simile.
sinewy of sinew, or sinewlike; strong; tough.
winsome attractive or charming.