Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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cigar a thin, tight roll of tobacco leaves prepared for smoking.
citizen a person who is a member of a country because of being born there or being accepted as a member by law.
daily happening or done every day.
evil anything very wrong or bad that hurts people or animals and is done without concern for the pain of others; wickedness.
fat having too much weight.
heart the organ in the body that controls the flow of blood.
hurt to cause pain or harm to.
locker a small metal cabinet that can be locked. It is used to keep clothes and personal things.
nest a structure of sticks and other material that birds make to hold their eggs.
pack a container for carrying things on the back.
pierce to pass or go through with or as if with something sharp; penetrate.
program a plan of what will be done or take place.
room an area of a building separated from similar areas by walls or doors.
umbrella a device that protects you from the rain. It has cloth stretched over a wire frame that is held up by a long handle.
uniform a special suit of clothing worn by all members of a particular group.