Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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amount measure; quantity.
button a small, round, flat thing that fastens clothing by fitting through a hole.
cart an open vehicle with two wheels used to carry a heavy load. An animal or a vehicle usually pulls a cart.
class a group of people, things, or animals that are similar in certain ways; kind.
fantastic wildly imaginative and incredible.
fever a body temperature higher than normal that is usually caused by illness.
forward toward a place or time that is further on or in the future; ahead.
glider a light aircraft without a motor that flies on air currents.
law the set of rules that people in a society must follow.
length the distance from one end of something to the other.
mostly almost completely; mainly.
self one's own being, character, and nature.
spacecraft a vehicle designed to travel in outer space.
stool a seat on tall legs and without arms or a back.
tire1 to take a person's strength or energy away.