Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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apology a statement that one is sorry for something.
astound to cause surprise or wonder; amaze.
degree a stage or step in a course of action.
etiquette rules for good behavior and manners.
gloss a shine on a surface.
historic important in history.
howl to utter or make a long, loud, sad sound like that of a wolf or dog.
jumble to put or throw together in a confused pile.
knit to make by knitting.
numerous being in great number; many.
pout to show unhappy feelings with an expression of the face. When children pout, they often push out their lips.
rustle to make soft, hissing sounds like things rubbing together.
swamp a wet, low area of land that is usually covered with water; bog; marsh.
tantrum a violent, noisy outburst of angry temper.
wrongdoing conduct that is bad, immoral, or illegal.