Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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coir the fiber made from coconut husks, used for matting, rope, or the like.
conversant familiar; acquainted; practiced (usually followed by "with" or "in").
flange a collar or rim that projects from a pipe, housing, or the like to provide strength, stability, or a place for attaching other parts.
goad something that spurs a person to action; stimulus.
hackneyed made trite or commonplace by overuse, as an expression or phrase.
ingenuous having or showing simplicity and lack of sophistication; artless.
laureate one honored for achievement in a particular field or by a particular award, especially in the arts or sciences.
misanthrope someone who hates or distrusts humanity.
modular designed with standardized units that may be arranged or connected in a variety of ways.
oppugn to oppose, contradict, criticize, or call into question.
parturient giving birth or about to give birth; in labor.
profligate totally given over to immoral and shameful pursuits; dissolute.
recant to withdraw from commitment to (a former position or statement), especially publicly; retract.
tyro one who is beginning to learn a business, trade, sport, or the like; novice; neophyte.
vitiate to harm the quality of; mar; spoil.