Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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antipodes places directly opposite each other on the surface of the earth, as the North Pole and the South Pole.
echelon a level of authority or rank, as in an organization.
euphemism the word or expression so substituted.
exhort to advise, urge, or incite with great seriousness.
irksome causing annoyance; bothersome or tiresome.
iterate to say or do again or repeatedly.
paraphrase a restatement of a passage or text in somewhat different words so as to simplify, clarify, or amplify.
preeminent surpassing others in importance and prominence; foremost.
prudent showing good judgment and caution; sensible.
resuscitate to bring back to life or consciousness; revive.
shroud to screen or conceal.
slovenly careless or disgustingly dirty.
sunder to tear, force, or break apart; divide.
trajectory the actual or expected path of a moving object, especially the curve followed by a projectile, missile, or spacecraft in flight.
variegate to make varied or give variety to, especially by making multicolored.