Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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alien someone who lives in a country who is not a citizen of that country.
ballast heavy material placed in a boat or ship to make it more stable.
concept a general idea or thought.
emigrate to leave one country or region in order to settle in another.
factual containing facts; true.
impudent not showing respect; bold and rude.
integrated allowing or having members of equal standing from different ethnic, racial, and religious groups.
lament to mourn for or regret.
lavish to give or spend a large amount or without limit.
regain to get back; recover.
startling causing one to move suddenly or involuntarily because loud, sudden, or unexpected.
subsequent coming or happening after; following.
summons a request or demand to do something.
translate to change into the words of another language.
trend a general course, direction, or tendency.