Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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annul to make nonexistent or ineffective; cancel.
apogee the highest or farthest point.
circumstantial relevant but not essential; incidental.
cognate having a common origin, as languages.
constrain to keep within tight restrictions; confine.
derivation the source of a thing; origin.
discredit to harm the reputation of.
disinclination a feeling of distaste; unwillingness or reluctance.
encroachment the act of exceeding proper or intended limits, as of territory or property.
gesticulation the act or an instance of using hand movements, as to add emphasis or expressiveness to speech.
obituary a printed announcement of a person's death, usually including a brief biography and information about funeral arrangements.
obsequious showing or tending to show servile obedience or deference; fawning.
quaff to drink, especially deeply and with obvious enjoyment.
repast a meal, or the food eaten at a meal.
stigma a long-lasting mark or stain on one's character or reputation, especially of disgrace or reproach.