Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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ash the soft gray powder that remains after something burns.
baggage suitcases, bags, or trunks used to carry things during travel.
blink to close and open the eyes very quickly.
clever having a quick mind; smart.
climb to move up or go towards the top.
gentle not intending to cause pain or trouble to other people or animals; kind.
mask a covering that hides all or part of the face.
mustache the hair that grows above the upper lip.
mysterious not known and not able to be explained.
peek to look for a short time or in secret.
rush to act or go fast; hurry.
shout to call out in a loud voice.
sing to make music with the voice.
singer a person who uses his or her voice to create music either as a job or hobby.
terrify to fill with great fear or terror; scare.