Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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appeal a serious and sincere request for help.
destructive causing complete ruin or destruction.
extinguish to put out; stop the burning of.
freight goods shipped by boat, plane, train, or truck.
furthermore besides; in addition; moreover.
itch to have a tingling feeling on the skin that causes a desire to scratch.
loot valuables taken by force in a war; spoils.
magnificent very grand in size or splendid in beauty.
mob a large crowd of angry or excited people.
positive certain; sure.
seasonal having to do with the seasons or a particular season of the year.
structure a thing made up of a number of parts joined together in a certain way.
tilt to move or place so that one side is higher than the other; tip.
tuft a group or clump of long strands that are attached at one end and loose at the other. Yarn, hair, and grass are some strands that can form tufts.
wrench to damage or hurt by twisting.