Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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affinity a strong sense of liking; a natural attraction or sympathy.
celibate abstaining from sexual relations, especially because of having taken a vow.
delectable extremely pleasing to the taste; delicious.
elitist believing in, supporting, or promoting the superiority of a select or privileged group.
fulcrum that which other things are contingent upon or built around; a pivotal point or agent.
gallantry admirable courage.
ineffectual incapable of acting effectively.
motley made up of a contrasting variety of types, appearances, or the like; very heterogeneous.
odious provoking or deserving of hatred; loathsome or repellent.
precept a basic rule, principle, or directive that guides action, moral conduct, or thought.
pronouncement a formal or official declaration.
ricochet to bounce or skip off a surface at an angle; rebound.
sumptuous large, lavish, or splendid, especially when created at great cost.
tentative not yet fully developed or definitely decided; provisional.
vogue a popular fashion or style.