Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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bolster to give support with a cushion or pillow.
deride to ridicule or treat with scornful mockery.
distillation the process of heating a substance to produce a vapor, which is then cooled and condensed, in order to purify, concentrate, or extract components from the substance.
exemplary deserving to be imitated or followed; highly commendable.
impenetrable impossible to enter; impervious.
incipient starting to exist or become apparent; in an early stage of development.
inexcusable unable to be justified; unpardonable.
multifaceted having several aspects or stages; complex or various.
paraphrase a restatement of a passage or text in somewhat different words so as to simplify, clarify, or amplify.
pessimistic feeling in a negative way about things; expecting the worst to happen.
prowess great skill or talent; superior ability.
subpoena in law, a formal written order summoning a witness to give testimony or requiring that specified evidence be submitted.
surmise to infer without certain knowledge; suppose; guess.
unpalatable not acceptable or pleasing to the sense of taste.
visage the face of a person, statue, or the like, especially in regard to its appearance or expression.