Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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band1 a group of people or animals acting together.
circle a line that curves so that one end meets the other. The line is made up of points that are all the same distance from the center.
coast the land next to the ocean.
enter to come or go in.
family a group made up of a parent or parents and their children.
gong a large piece of metal shaped like a plate that makes a loud ringing sound when struck with a stick or hammer.
label to put a tag or sticker on, so as to identify.
lump a small mass or pile with no special shape; hunk.
math a short form of a word that means the study of numbers.
movement a motion or way of moving.
petal one of the separate leaves that form the outer part of a flower head. Petals are usually a different color from the plant's other leaves.
seat a chair or other object for sitting on.
shore the land beside an ocean, sea, lake, or river.
solar having to do with or coming from the sun.
worker someone who does a job or has a job.