Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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boss a person who gives work to other people and tells them what to do; manager.
builder a person who puts things together to make something, especially houses or other structures that people live or work in.
cigar a thin, tight roll of tobacco leaves prepared for smoking.
different not the same.
holiday a day to remember or celebrate something. Many businesses close and people do not go to school or work on a holiday.
icy covered with ice.
move to change position or place.
nowhere not anywhere; in no place.
plant a living thing that has leaves, makes its own food, and has roots that usually grow in the earth.
pond a small body of still water.
quickly in a short time; rapidly.
sensible having or showing good judgment; wise.
shut to close by moving something that covers an opening.
study to try to gain knowledge or skill.
trick to deceive someone.