Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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accustom to cause (oneself or another) to become used to something over time.
adoption the act of becoming the legal parent of a child who is not one's biological offspring.
blunt having a dull edge or point; not sharp.
concert a musical or dance performance before an audience; recital.
expense money needed to buy or do something; cost.
fortunately by lucky chance; luckily.
genuine true to what is claimed; real.
limp1 to walk in an uneven, difficult way because of a lame or injured leg or foot.
motto a short saying used as a reminder of a belief or rules of behavior.
situation state of affairs; circumstances.
taxpayer one who pays or owes taxes.
technical having to do with special skills or techniques.
ultimately at the farthest or last point in a progression; finally; in the end.
virus a tiny organism that can reproduce only in living cells. Viruses cause disease in humans, animals, and plants.
wholesome good for the health of one's body or mind.