Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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barrel a large round container with a flat top and bottom that is used to keep liquids. Barrels are often made of wood.
cry to have tears fall from your eyes as the result of pain, sadness, or another strong feeling.
fever a body temperature higher than normal that is usually caused by illness.
finish to reach or cause the end of; complete.
force power, energy, or physical strength.
group a collection of people, things, or ideas that are in one place or have important things in common.
jaw either or both of the two bones that frame the mouth and hold the teeth.
lack the condition of being without something that is needed.
meet to see and begin to know someone; be introduced to.
pride a sense of personal value that comes from what one has or can do.
push to move something or cause something to move by using pressure against it.
rub to push back and forward across something using pressure.
scrape to rub with something sharp or rough.
ship a large boat that carries people or things through deep water.
waterfall a stream of water that falls from a higher place; cascade.