Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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auspicious likely to be followed by favorable events.
bivouac a temporary encampment, especially military, without protecting shelter.
categorical with no exceptions or conditions; absolute.
codicil an addition or appendix, especially one modifying the terms of a will.
droll wryly amusing or humorous.
grapple to grasp, twist, or wrestle in close combat.
intractable not easily controlled, managed, or persuaded.
migratory changing habitat or location periodically, as in response to changes in climate or job opportunities.
nuptial of or relating to a wedding ceremony or to marriage.
redolent suggesting or recalling (usually followed by "of").
requisite required or essential.
saturate to fill or soak completely.
sensual related to or providing pleasure from the ways humans perceive stimuli, such as through touch, taste, or smell.
sheaf a bound bundle of cut grain.
tawdry falsely showy; cheap and gaudy.