Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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acoustic having to do with sound or hearing.
ambition a strong desire to become famous, rich, or to reach a goal.
bribery the act of offering or giving something to a person as a way of getting that person to do a certain thing.
canal a channel of water made by humans for boat transportation or for bringing water to crops.
capable having the skill or power to do what is needed.
direct to give instructions that lead or guide.
private allowing only certain people to take part in or to know about.
protection the act of keeping something safe from harm or the condition of being protected.
reliability the quality of being dependable.
revolve to turn or spin in place.
royal of or having to do with a king or queen, or any members of their family.
satisfy to give what is wanted or needed.
slightly to a small degree or by a small amount; a little.
spatter to splash or scatter in small bits or drops.
visual having to do with sight or seeing.