Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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captivate to charm or fascinate, as by beauty or wit; enthrall.
clairvoyant possessing the ability to see or know things that are beyond the five senses.
consecrate to commit or devote to some goal or service.
counterpoint a method of composing or arranging music in which diverse but harmonious melodies are played at the same time.
emboss to decorate the surface of with a raised design.
exculpate to free (a person or group) from guilt or blame, or from the suspicion of guilt or blame.
notation a system of signs used to stand for numbers, words, or musical notes.
obscene offensive and not decent.
onus an unwanted but necessary task; burden.
pacifist one who opposes war and refuses to practice or acknowledge violence as a way of settling disputes or resisting aggression.
posterity all generations to come.
preventable having the possibility of being prevented; capable of being stopped or kept from happening.
salvageable able to be saved or rescued from damage or destruction.
torrid parched or scorched by the sun, as a geographic area.
wrest to take away with, or as if with, a twist or pull.