Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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clemency the inclination to be merciful or forgiving; leniency.
complement to go well with, complete, or perfect.
desirous having a wish or a longing for something.
dogmatist one who asserts opinions or beliefs as though they were facts.
encampment a place where a rough, temporary living area has been set up.
idealist a person with high or noble principles, goals, or codes of action.
infringe to cross established limits; encroach; trespass (usually followed by "on" or "upon").
intrinsic being essential to or of the nature of a thing; inherent.
jabber to speak or make sounds like speech, quickly or at length, but without making much sense or creating much interest in the listener; babble.
paraphrase a restatement of a passage or text in somewhat different words so as to simplify, clarify, or amplify.
query a question.
raiment clothing; dress; apparel.
reciprocity a mutual interchange of privileges or favors between two nations, groups, or institutions.
unintelligible not able to be understood, as spoken or written language.
winnow to sift through, or separate out the desired or worthwhile from the undesired or worthless part of, as by critical analysis.