Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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axiom an obvious or generally accepted principle.
beneficent tending to do good; kindly; charitable.
clinch to make certain or final; settle.
enormity the quality of surpassing moral limits; offensive or disgraceful character.
hypocrite a person who pretends to be different or better than he or she really is. Someone who does not act according to his or her stated beliefs is a hypocrite.
promulgate to explain or give instruction in (a doctrine) in public; advocate.
reputable known to be held in esteem; respected.
scapegoat one made to bear the blame for the wrongs of others.
synchronize to cause to occur, move, or operate at the same time or rate.
tolerable capable of being put up with or endured.
totality the state or quality of being total.
verdant green.
vexation the condition of being annoyed.
vicarious experienced through imagined participation in someone else's actions, sufferings, or the like.
wholehearted without reservation; sincere and enthusiastic.