Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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beautiful very nice to see, hear, or feel.
contest a sport or game that people try to win to get a prize; competition.
crime something that people do that is against the law.
crust any hard or crisp outer layer.
early near the beginning of something.
fool A person who has poor sense or judgment.
leader a person who directs or guides others or who has the most power in a group.
load to put things on or in something in order to carry them.
meal1 an occasion when people prepare and eat food at a specific time.
mild not harsh; gentle.
recipe a list of foods and instructions for cooking something.
runner a person who is moving along quickly on his or her feet, or a person who races on foot.
squeeze to press firmly together.
stripe a line of color that is different in color from the area around it.
thunder the loud noise you sometimes hear during a violent rain storm.