Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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abrasion a spot or patch that has been scraped, as on the skin.
acceptance the act of accepting something that is given.
acknowledgment the act of acknowledging.
await to look forward to, or to stay in one place or condition in order to be ready for (someone or something).
chronological according to the order in which things happen.
cordial warm and friendly; courteous.
correspond to write letters.
evolution the process of changing and adapting to an environment over time.
heritage something that one believes, thinks, or does that comes from one's family or ethnic background; tradition.
hobo a poor and homeless wanderer who usually does odd jobs for a living but may also beg or scavenge.
mislead to guide in a wrong direction.
mosaic a picture or design made with many small colored pieces of glass, tile, or stone. These pieces are fitted together and cemented into place.
regional of or relating to a particular geographical area.
stealth secretive, surreptitious, or covert movement or procedure; sneakiness; furtiveness.
withdraw to take out or away; remove.