Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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celebrity a person who is famous.
composure calmness in thinking or acting; self-control.
consultation a meeting for the purpose of exchanging ideas and opinions or for giving or receiving advice.
controversy a disagreement; debate.
dissatisfy to fail to meet the expectations of; disappoint.
dissemination the act or process of distributing or spreading or widely.
fortress a large, fortified building or area, often around a town or settlement.
ineffective producing little or none of the desired or intended impact.
inflammatory tending to arouse and excite the emotions, or call forth an emotional response.
intellect the ability to reason and understand.
jovial very cheerful, friendly, and merry; jolly.
literate able to read and write.
motivation the condition of being driven or moved to do something by an idea, feeling, or desire.
sibling a sister or a brother.
vagabond having no permanent home; wandering from place to place; nomadic.