Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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arraign to bring before a court of law to respond to a charge or indictment.
auditory having to do with or referring to hearing or the sense of hearing.
bilious ill-tempered; irritable.
credible believable or plausible.
eccentricity an odd or peculiar behavior, habit, interest, or the like.
elegy a sorrowful or mournful poem or musical composition, especially a lament for the dead.
fanfare a flourish of trumpets, used to mark an entrance or beginning.
judicious characterized by or using sound judgment; wise; prudent.
portend to serve as a sign or warning of; bode.
residue a substance or quantity that remains after a part has been removed or after a process has been completed.
revitalize to bring new life to.
satirical containing or marked by the use of parody or irony to ridicule or denounce human corruptness or folly.
senile showing certain characteristics of old age, especially a deterioration of mental faculties or emotional control.
tenet any belief, opinion, doctrine, or the like, that a person or especially an organization holds as being true.
therapeutic of, pertaining to, or capable of healing; curative.