Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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amass to gather or accumulate for oneself.
codicil an addition or appendix, especially one modifying the terms of a will.
condescend to act as if one were of superior rank or station, treating others as inferior; patronize.
exorbitant exceeding the bounds of what is reasonable, fair, or proper; immoderate.
frolicsome full of high spirits, gaiety, or merriment; playful.
gibe a mocking or derisive comment.
nicety a subtle distinction; fine point.
nonentity someone or something that is insignificant, dull, undistinguished, or unimportant, especially a person.
outstrip to exceed or surpass.
pertinacious tenacious in purpose, opinion, or the like; persevering.
Philistine (sometimes lower case) one who is ignorant of, smugly indifferent to, or hostile to aesthetic and cultural values.
proclivity a natural tendency or inclination; propensity or predisposition.
traverse to go over, along, or through; cover or cross.
whimsical characterized by or resulting from a sudden desire or fancy.
wreak to carry out or cause.