Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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absurd not at all logical; impossible to be true; ridiculous.
adhere to stick or cling firmly (usually followed by "to").
breakthrough an important discovery in a particular field that encourages an acceleration in knowledge or expertise.
creed a set of beliefs held by a person or group.
dislodge to remove or force out of a fixed position.
doctrine a belief or set of beliefs held by a religion, government, or other group.
familiarity knowledge or understanding of a particular thing.
fictional existing only in a made-up story and not existing in real life.
garland a wreath, chain, or string worn for celebration or decoration. Garlands are made of flowers, leaves, or vines.
intention a decided course of action; plan.
mastery the full grasp of a subject or skill.
matchless1 being unsurpassed; without peer.
reliance the act of relying or depending.
sole1 single and alone; not one among others; only.
sullen silently showing anger.