Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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band1 a group of people or animals acting together.
branch a woody part of a tree or bush that grows out from the trunk.
bridge a structure that goes over something such as a river or road so that people can travel from one side to the other.
defend to protect from harm; guard.
gather to bring together into one place; collect.
hot holding or giving off great heat.
jail a building in which a government keeps people who have broken a law.
laugh to smile and make sounds with your mouth. People usually laugh when something is funny to them, but laughing can express other feelings also.
lie1 a false statement that is said on purpose.
lone without others; alone.
meat the flesh of animals when used as food.
rush to act or go fast; hurry.
shelter a place or structure that gives protection against weather or danger.
tight fastened or shut in a secure way; fixed in place.
visit to go or come to see.