Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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ductile able to withstand stress without breaking, as in drawing out into wire or pounding thin.
economize to spend less money; lower expenses; be economical.
fitful occurring at irregular intervals.
liaison a communication link between groups or between parts of an organization, or a person or group that performs this function.
malevolent wishing or doing evil to others; ill-willed; malicious.
odium hatred, strong dislike, or repugnance.
patrician of, concerning, or belonging to an aristocratic class.
perdition the loss of the soul for eternity; damnation.
pittance a contemptibly small portion, amount, or payment.
preempt to seize or appropriate ahead of others.
protégé a person under the care or sponsorship of an influential patron.
satire a literary or dramatic work that ridicules or derides human vice or foolishness, usually through the use of parody or irony.
stalemate any situation in which a further action, offer, or the like is impossible or unlikely; deadlock.
stigma a long-lasting mark or stain on one's character or reputation, especially of disgrace or reproach.
winsome attractive or charming.