Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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accessible able to be entered.
bloom to produce flowers.
conference a meeting to discuss a particular matter.
correctly in the right or proper way; without error.
counselor a person who gives advice, especially as a job.
defender someone who believes in and supports a person, plan, idea, or the like.
exploration the act of investigating or examining.
nuclear of, or having to do with, or being the nucleus of an atom or a cell.
permanent lasting or meant to last for a very long time; everlasting.
playoff in sports, final or extra games or rounds to settle a tie or decide a championship.
readily promptly or easily.
slang very informal speech that is made up of new words, or new meanings of old words. Slang is not appropriate for serious conversation or writing.
style the manner in which something is said or done.
thrill to cause to feel a sudden, sharp excitement.
tidy neat and in order.