Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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accolade an expression or mark of approval; honor; award.
calculable able to be determined by mathematical computation.
clemency the inclination to be merciful or forgiving; leniency.
cognate having a common origin, as languages.
collusion action undertaken in secret partnership or collaboration, usually for illicit purposes.
dissolution the annulment or severance of a bond or tie, especially a formal or contractual connection.
exigent requiring immediate attention; urgent or critical.
machination (usually plural) elaborate or devious schemes.
patina a greenish, brownish, or reddish crust or film produced by oxidation on the surface of old metals such as bronze and copper.
qualm a feeling of guilt or doubt.
rancor bitter, continuing resentment; hatred.
ruse a trick, pretense, or diversion intended to deceive or mislead.
scuttle2 to move or run as if in a hurry; scurry.
sensual related to or providing pleasure from the ways humans perceive stimuli, such as through touch, taste, or smell.
stigma a long-lasting mark or stain on one's character or reputation, especially of disgrace or reproach.