Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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agrarian pertaining to the ownership, tenure, or cultivation of land.
attrition a gradual erosion of strength or morale.
bauble a showy or gaudy trinket or ornament of little value.
evasion the act or an instance of escaping, avoiding, or failing to perform something.
felicitous well-suited or apt; very appropriate.
irascible easily angered or irritated; short-tempered.
menagerie a collection of usually wild or exotic animals, or the place where they are exhibited.
microcosm a small, complete whole; tiny world.
morose gloomy or sullen.
plausible seeming to be true or reasonable; credible.
rescind to take back or make invalid; revoke.
retribution repayment for one's actions, especially punishment for evil.
simultaneous existing, happening, or done at the same time.
wheedle to try to persuade or influence by coaxing or flattery; cajole.