Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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applaud to clap the hands in approval.
budget a plan for how much money will be spent and earned during a certain period.
chapel a small building, or a room in a larger building, used for worship.
conscience the sense that allows a person to decide between right and wrong actions.
current of or happening in the present time.
divide to separate into parts.
fabric cloth that is woven or knitted; material.
keen very sharp; able to cut easily into thin, exact pieces.
lately recently.
multiply to increase the number, degree, or amount of.
persecute to continually treat in a cruel or harsh way because of race, religion, political ideas, or some other difference.
research careful study of something in order to find out information about it.
romantic causing or showing thoughts and feelings of love.
similar having resemblance or likeness.
spade1 a tool shaped like a shovel and used for digging. A spade has a long handle and a flat blade that can be pushed into the ground with a foot.