Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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arid extremely dry, especially from lack of rainfall.
circulate to move or flow along a closed path or system.
emotional having to do with the feelings, including how one feels about oneself in relation to others.
liable held responsible by law.
momentary lasting only an instant.
monopoly complete control over a service or product within a given area.
notion an idea, opinion, or view.
perishable likely to spoil or rot in a short time.
reminisce to recall past experiences, often with fondness or pleasure.
renegade a member who rejects the common beliefs or attitudes of a group such as a religious sect, political party, or business organization.
resistance the act or process of fighting against or opposing something.
shun to keep away from or avoid on purpose.
sniper a soldier who shoots at enemy troops from a concealed position.
taxonomy in biology, the system of classifying plants and animals by grouping them into categories according to their similarities.
wrought worked, done, put together, or shaped.