Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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discretion the freedom or authority to use one's own judgment.
dysfunctional of a relationship, family, or social group, not working normally or in a way beneficial to all.
exodus the leaving of large numbers of people.
feign to pretend or fake; put on a false show of.
havoc ruin or devastation.
hegemony predominance of one country or social group over others by virtue of leadership or influence.
irrevocable impossible to take back, undo, or cancel.
magnanimity generosity or willingness to forgive.
materialistic being more greatly concerned with things in the world that can be acquired than with spiritual matters or values.
moot not clearly settled; arguable; debatable.
oratory1 the art of public speaking.
pliable easily bent; flexible; malleable.
profess to claim or state as true.
quibble an unimportant, petty, or trivial disagreement or objection.
recount to tell a history of events; relate; narrate.