Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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appease to cause to become calmer by meeting demands.
bromide a bland or trite remark or idea.
coroner a public officer employed to investigate by inquest any death not thought to have occurred by natural causes.
diminutive very small; tiny.
escalation increase in amount, scope, or intensity.
extradition the legal transfer of a fugitive from one state or jurisdiction to another where he or she is to be tried or imprisoned.
imponderable unable to be evaluated or calculated accurately.
pathological afflicted with or caused by a physical or especially a mental disorder.
piquant of food, having a deliciously sharp or spicy taste.
proponent one who proposes or favors an idea, doctrine, course of action, or the like.
resurrection a return to life after death.
sardonic bitterly mocking; derisive; scornful.
serendipity lucky coincidence or accidental discovery of something pleasant or valuable.
turpitude moral baseness; depravity.
vernacular spoken by the native or common people of a region or country.