Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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bride a woman who is about to be married or was just married.
cargo the goods carried by a ship, airplane, or other vehicle; freight.
discuss to talk together about.
dismay alarm, confusion, or mental distress.
enclose to close in or shut in with walls or a container.
expensive costing a lot of money; having a high price.
hind at or near the back; rear.
lonesome sad because of being alone.
moment a very short amount of time.
myth a story or group of stories that form part of the traditional knowledge of a society. Myths often use imaginative plots and characters to explain how the world began and why nature and people behave the way they do.
partly in some amount or degree.
settlement a place that is newly inhabited by people.
splurge to spend money ostentatiously.
suffer to feel pain or misfortune.
wad a small mass or ball.