Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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direction control or guidance.
fighter a boxer.
fin a thin, flat body part of a fish and certain other water animals which is used for swimming or balance.
freeze to make into ice or become solid from cold temperatures.
imagination the power of the mind to make a thought or picture of something that is not real.
lightning natural electricity produced in clouds and appearing as a bright flash of light in the sky.
mask a covering that hides all or part of the face.
mission a special job given to a person or group of people.
nighttime the time between sunset and dawn.
pocket a small piece of material that is open at the top and sewn onto clothing for holding things.
present1 the period of time between the past and future.
secret not seen or known by others; private.
sorry feeling sad because you have done something wrong or because something bad happened.
trunk the main stem of a tree.
write to form letters or words on a surface with a pen, pencil, or some other thing.