Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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afternoon the time of day between noon and evening.
barefoot with nothing on the feet.
biscuit a small, round-shaped bread for one person made with baking powder or baking soda instead of yeast. Biscuits are not usually sweet.
contest a sport or game that people try to win to get a prize; competition.
crooked bent, curved, or twisting.
crown a metal object worn on the head by kings and queens. Crowns are often made of gold or silver.
easy not difficult.
glance a quick look.
horn a hard, hollow growth on the head of certain mammals. Goats and sheep are some animals that have horns.
jaw either or both of the two bones that frame the mouth and hold the teeth.
lemon a small, sour fruit with yellow skin. Lemons grow on trees.
soft easy to bend or shape; not firm or hard.
soften to make or become soft or softer.
thought1 the result of thinking; a single idea.
troop (plural) soldiers.