Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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aberration a deviation from what is considered normal or right; irregularity.
apprehensive feeling fearful about future events.
astringent a substance or drug that contracts body tissue and slows discharge or secretion.
bathos a sudden descent from an exalted style or esteemed state to the commonplace.
caste the status conferred by the class to which one belongs.
cavalier carefree and offhand; nonchalant.
concur to share the same opinion; agree.
deposition a sworn statement, usually in writing, for use as testimony by an absent witness in a court of law.
equivocal having at least two plausible alternative meanings, often intentionally so in order to deceive or avoid commitment; ambiguous.
espouse to take up, hold, or commit oneself to (a cause, idea, or belief); embrace.
expostulate to argue earnestly with someone, usually against an intended action; remonstrate.
homily any discourse offering moral advice or admonitions.
obtrusive aggressive and self-assertive, or inclined to be so.
pretentious assuming or marked by an air of importance or superiority that is unwarranted.
revetment a facing of stone, masonry, or the like to support or protect a wall, embankment, or mound of earth.